Born in France with both Swedish and French nationality, I first studied literature, geography and German, before joining the ENSP (École Nationale Supérieure du Paysage, School of Landscape-architecture in Versailles). Two scholarships led me to Harvard University and then to the TU Berlin, where I graduated (bilingual diploma) as a landscape architect.
After having worked in various landscape design agencies in France and Germany (in the areas of project-design and implementation, but also graphic design, writing and translation), I moved to Berlin in 1995 where I founded the landscape design studio guba+sgard together with T. Guba in 2000.
Some years later, I developed – in our agency– a translation department specialized in architecture and environment.
Since 2010-2011 I’m a freelance translator.
Thanks to the mastery of four languages – French, German, English and Swedish – a solid general culture and varied professional experiences, I am at ease in many fields, from planning to humanities.