Specialized Books


Architecture 1968. Panorama international des renouveaux pédagogiques,
Anne Debarre, Caroline Maniaque, Eléonore Marantz, Jean-Louis Violeau, translated from English, Métispresses, Geneva, July 2020, 244 pages.


Otto Wagner, Architecture moderne et autres textes,
(translated from German, Moderne Architektur), Marseille: Parenthèses, Sept. 2019, 155 pages.


Des jardins et des livres,
Mikael Jakob (ed.), from English and German, Geneva: Métispresses, May 2018, 464 pages.


Transbordeur n°2, photographie histoire société,
dossier « photographie et exposition », contributions of S. Gasser, G. Schaad, S. Schmeling and M. Willi, Paris: Macula 2/2018, 256 pages.

Perseus u. Andromeda, wikimedia, CC BY-SA 3.0
Perseus u. Andromeda, wikimedia, CC BY-SA 3.0

Catalogue raisonné de l’oeuvre de Pierre Puget,
Klaus Herding, from German, chapter dedicated to the School of Puget, translated in 2018, Paris: editions Faton, publication forthcoming.


Le cours du paysage
(from English, The Course of Landscape Architecture), C. Girot, anthology of landscape-architecture, Paris: Eugen Ulmer Eds, November 2016, 352 pages


Le sol des villes, ressource et projet, Panos Mantziaras and Paola Viganò (ed.), contribution of A. Zutz, Geneva: Métispresses, November 2016.

Papers – Contributions – Conferences

  • Alexa Färber,
    « La figure de la promesse et les futurs urbains », for a conference in Amiens, (from German), December 2019
  • Thomas Müller,
    « Malades psychiques ou viticulture, chalands et mines de fer ? », (from German), Revue germanique internationale, February 2019
  • Ina Ulrike Paul,
    « Charles-Frédéric Reinhardt, diplomate et homme de lettres », (from German), Paris, DHI, November 2018
  • Nepomuk Riva,
    « Conserver, interdire ou réécrire. Que faire des chansons enfantines racistes en Allemagne », (from German), Cahier d’ethnomusicologie 30/2018, p. 189-208, May 2018
  • J. Quinn,
    « Les montagnes ‘gatekhili’ » (“‘Gatekhili’ mountains”, from English), Revue de Géographie Alpine, 105-1, 2017
  • A. Kraume,
    « Définition des frontières géoculturelles dans la littérature européenne des XIX et XXe siècles », (from German), University of Konstanz, 2016
  • C. Mader,
    « Une nouvelle approche de ‘l’évidence’, le chaînon manquant d’une stratégie européenne de développement durable dans les régions de montagne ? » (from English, “A new approach of ‘evidence’ – the missing link for a European strategy of sustainable development in mountain regions?), University of Zurich, 2016

Fiction and Play

Bordet (Der Tish)
(OV Yiddish and French), Ida Fink, translation of the play (surtitles) into Swedish for the company Troim Teater, Paris, September 2019

Dans le labyrinthe
(OV Swedish), Sigge Eklund, psycho-thriller, Piranha, February 2017, 320 pages

Bonobo Club
(OV Swedish), Anna Karolina, crime novel, Piranha, November 2017, 448 pages

Regular Missions and Collaborations

  • Translation, proofreading, rewriting of exhibition catalogues,
    e.g. Jean-Michel Basquiat, H.W. Holzwarth and E. Nairne, Taschen Verlag, 2018, or for DHM Berlin, La Villa Vauban and Mudam Luxembourg (with V. Meunier), etc.
  • Leaflets, legends and audio-guides
    for various museums, e.g. for the Haus der Geschichte, Bonn and Berlin, the Museum für Gestaltung in Zurich (with V. Meunier), etc., since 2016
  • Musicology texts and artist biographies
    for Alpha and Harmonia Mundi with Laurent Cantagrel and for the Deutscher Musikrat (German Council for the Promotion and Production of Contemporary Music) with echoo, since 2015
  • Literature papers and contributions
    by Gesine Müller, Romanisches Seminar, University of Cologne, since 2012
  • Conferences, papers and websites of architects and landscape architects
    like Gerkan & Partner, ingenhoven architects, be-architekten, Kühn-Malvezzi, Agence Ter, Kamel Louafi, J. Weidinger, etc., since 2009